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Tutor Tutee Outing10-Sep-2023

“Every child deserves a champion — an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.” – Rita F. Pierson If children are happy and feel supported, they will thrive, and at UWS, we ensure that students always have someone in whom they can confide or share a problem, who monitors their conduct and general development and helps them make the most of their formal and informal education. Each child at school is assigned a tutor who keeps an eye out for total growth of his/her tutees over the time that these girls spend under her/his care. The tutors put in efforts to help their tutees balance their intellectual, social, physical, spiritual- emotional development. To strengthen this bond further, a Tutor -tutee lunch outing was organised on 10 September 2023, wherein, all the tutors took their tutees to different destinations for lunch. The girls were super excited and enthusiastic as they headed to their favourite restaurants. This outing gave an opportunity to the students to have an open communication channel in an emotionally safe environment, and spend light moments filled with joy and laughter. They all returned with elated hearts and rejuvenated minds.