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Inter House Science Competition15-Apr-2024

On April 15, 2024, an Interhouse Science Competition was held with the theme "Planet Vs Plastic," aligning with the occasion of World Earth Day. The competition aimed to highlight environmental concerns and emphasized on the integration of science and art in tackling sustainability challenges. Participants competed in two categories: "Terra-Tapestries" for sustainable collage making and "Trash to Art: Plasticity Artistry." Each house was represented by four students, with two students per activity, showcasing their creativity and scientific acumen by utilizing plastic and nonbiodegradable materials to craft artistic pieces. The competition served as a platform to raise awareness about environmental concerns while emphasizing the interdisciplinary approach required to tackle sustainability issues. It was inspiring to witness the innovative ways in which students integrated scientific principles with artistic expression to address the pressing challenge of plastic pollution. Overall, the Interhouse Science Competition was a resounding success, fostering a spirit of creativity, collaboration, and environmental consciousness among the student community. The competition results are as follows: 1. First Place: Orchid House 2. Second Place: Jasmine House 3. Third Place: Tulip House 4. Fourth Place: Daffodil House